Friday, 27 May 2011

Leadership 2013

Leadership 2013, looking into the future is an abstract idea we all at some point of time in life wished we had. The superhuman ability to look into the future so that we can be prepared to take full advantage of what we know is going to happen. There is this fascination that us mutual among all people regardless of race and creed. When I got this topic, I realized I was suppose to try and comment on what god has in store for us in 2013. Sounded quite interesting at first, till I sat down to try and plan my speech. We are talking about 2 years from now, I don’t think I can even give a speech about what’s going to happen tomorrow.  So there I sat on my laptop wondering to myself about what would leadership be like in 2013, then it hit me. Leadership 2013 will be largely influenced by a contradicting issue of natural leaders or honed leaders.
Before we compare them we should first and foremost understand both terms, a natural leader is an individual whose leadership abilities and values form instinctively when a situation arises. He does not need motivation or encouragement to strive, he encourages and motivates himself to achieve a set goal. His methods are unique and original, or maybe an adaptation of various other  aspirations and inspirations. He is not afraid to be unconventional and go out of the norm to solve an arising problem, even if the masses feel he might fail. He is tough in his man management as  naturally he will be opposed by conventionalist leaders who maybe his superiors or peers. A shrewd result oriented man with a smile on his face, that could woo even the judges of a beauty pageant. The final outcome of if he will prevail as a successful leader clearly depends on his determination and cunningness in implementing his strategies and ideas that he strongly believes in. You will find great similarities between the leader  we have discussed and leaders like Dr Mahathir, Adolf Hitler and Lee Kuan Yew.
Now as for a honed leader, he must be a strong and firm follower of his predecessor ‘s methods and ideas, or at least the strategy in which the ideas are made. Though he may seem less bold than a natural leader, there is nothing wrong in being timid so long as your methods are spelling progress to the nation. He is less likely to feel the uproar the masses as his methods have already been  applied successfully in the past. He might not stand out as a rare talent in the beginning of his leadership, but sooner or later thanks to the tracks that have already been laid out in front of him he will emerge a prominent figure in  being a leader with vision and strength. Though it may take some time for him to learn the tricks of the trade from his mentors, he will also earn bit by bit the confidence and trust of his superiors and peers. He will be well versed in what the masses want and will know well enough the strategies to deliver to them their needs just enough to keep them content and of course to remain in power. These leadership characteristic  are more similar to describing Najib Tun Razak, George W Bush and Genghis Khan.
Now come 2013, like every different year. It will have it own set of dilemma and issues to be resolved, now we have made it very clear that each different leadership style is different from the other. Therefore their natural response towards similar issues will differ from each other and so will the solutions that each one of them thinks will be best to resolve the issues. This will be the cornerstone that will decide who prevails victorious and who gets left behind. Will it be the traditionalist, conventionalist with proven applied solutions. Who has the overwhelming support of his peers and superiors due to his conditioned leadership style. Will it be the bold, new and refreshing ideas of a rebellion leader who ways may differ from everyday solutions. The talent to size up a situation
accurately maybe his biggest asset as his methods make him a place in the hearts of those he leads.
Whatever happens in 2013, nonetheless it will be an interesting year to watch the charade of leaders, especially of politicians. We live in an interesting time of Malaysian politics that may exhibit the greatest change of Malaysian history or it may be another false alarm like many before. An interesting spectacle to behold, ladies and gentlemen, enjoy the show.      

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